Friday, May 10, 2013

Practical concept vending table.
The cans of soda would be lined up on overlapping rows of conveyor belts.
The flavors would be separated into their own row.  The concept above has five rows of soda giving it a capacity for 120 cans of soda.  Each row holds 24 cans of soda and keeps them refrigerated.  When a selection is made on the touch screen the conveyor belt moves one can to a tray at the end of the bottom row.  The tray then lifts up with the can on it to the top of the table.  The table top retracts a cover to let the soda through. a pressure plate on the tray will keep the soda in place until the soda is removed.  If the selection is out of product, the touch-screen will notify the user with an invalid selection message.  Comes with optional wifi capabilities to notify companies when the vending machine is low on product.
The Vending table is designed for home or typical vending usage.  Companies can rent out the table like any other vending machine.  The perks for a company to use the table design are simple: inborn anti-theft, higher capacity, and better product placement.  The table top can be made of basic plastic, wood, or metal depending on consumer desires, or set as a sturdy lcd screen for advertisement use.  Since the trays use pressure plates set for one can at a time, no one can trick the machine into  free multiple sodas. Finally Higher capacity and low product notifications cut down on product refill deliveries.  This cuts down the cost of sending a truck to restock product.
business card

Friday, May 3, 2013

The company that I would start will be about a club I help manage called the Shin-Sen_Gumi.  Basically the club is open to any who would be interested in joining.  There are thirteen captains, (leaders) for the Shin-Sen-Gumi, each with a different focus of hobbies.  The general similarities between the courts, (captain's sections), is that we all like anime.  My particular court is costume designing, medieval lifestyles, larping, and cosplaying.  Whenever someone in the club need a new costume design, they come to me or someone in my court.  I want my logo to incorporate at least one symbol used for costume or armor creation, something anime affiliated, and something medieval.