Friday, February 22, 2013

My non-functioning wind powered airship.  Sadly not as good as the finished work I lost when my laptop died.  The jyst of this work is that this airship will only stay airborne as long as there is a wind current to fill the sails.  the airship is constructed from an old galleon with newer wings added. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Updates on the project so far.  messing with layering and transformations.  I have added a couple magic seals and started working on making glowing eyes.  I will try to work on this more this week and will post some sort of update later.

Working on my first few photoshop images.  As expected, there is alot of work to put into an image and Im not even halfway done.  so far I have added a dragon and myself to an image.  I will probably move the dragon around and change it's size many times before this is done.  I need to think of a cool backdrop to add what I have to as well as more detail. I'm thinking some sort of magic aura around myself and each hand. We will see how things turn out.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Comments on How to Ruin a Great Design

  I did not find this very interesting, and as a result it took several reading sessions to finish.  The basic flow of this article is broken into two parts.  The first part is about about traffic signs in Great Britain, and how poorly designed they have become.  The second part is about the redesigned logos of global companies.
  In the first part, the writer, Alice Rawsthorn, complains about how some of the redesigned traffic signs are "a crime against design."  She complains that the signs are too intricate and displeasing to the eye.  Alice's largest problem seems to be about a bicycle divergent sign the uses the font of the old signs but with different sized letters, an arrow, a bicycle, and a tacky yellow background.  I can agree that with traffic signs, simpler is better and the sign should probably be revised into something that doesn't take you mind off of driving.  Most traffic warning signs tend to have a yellow background, but nowadays that background has been upgraded with a highly reflective yellow surface that is very easy to see no matter what time of day.  The sign that Alice discusses in her article appears to be very dull, which would most likely hinder someone trying to drive and read it at the same time.
  The second part of the article discusses how companies have made very bad choices in upgrading their public appearance with bad logos.  Its only natural for companies to try to reinvent their image from time to time, this helps keep a steady money flow.  The problem tends to be, when updating logos, companies either try to hard or pale to the successful predecessor.  Alice's most common comparison with this logo problem is the update of the UPS logo.  I personally do not really remember the old look for UPS, or when it was changed, Alice fails to mention a date for the change.  Her problem with the new logo is that, as she puts it, the new logo looks like a "golden comb over" compared to it's predecessor.

Friday, February 1, 2013

My first photoshop work.  Not much, but everyone has to start somewhere.